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Embracing Satya: Aligning with Truth on and off the Yoga Mat

Rooted in the ancient teachings of yoga, Satya is not merely about honesty in speech but encompasses a profound alignment with our truest intentions, thoughts, and actions. Embracing Satya is a transformative journey towards authenticity and integrity, both on and off the yoga mat. Satya is the path to finding our Truest Self.

Understanding Satya:

Satya encourages us to live in accordance with our deepest truths, fostering harmony between our inner and outer worlds. It invites introspection, urging us to peel away layers of falsehood to reveal our authentic selves. Practicing Satya involves being honest with ourselves and others, cultivating sincerity, and aligning our actions with our values. Satya reminds us to not make ourselves small to serve another, to pause before we respond to someone that has evoked a strong emotion, and to set boundaries to ensure our own health and wellbeing is a priority. It is about living our truth, without harming ourselves or another. Satya is truth with compassion.

Importance of Satya in Yoga Practice:

In the practice of yoga, Satya serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards self-discovery and personal growth. By embracing truthfulness on the mat, we cultivate mindfulness and deepen our connection to the present moment. Honoring our physical limitations without judgment and practicing with integrity allows us to harness the transformative power of yoga fully. When our body feels pain, think of this as your body speaking to you, imparting its wisdom to help you remain safe and injury free. Listen to your thoughts, rather than saying that you are not strong enough, flexible enough, or good enough, honor the reality and TRUTH of Yoga. Yoga is a practice, and with regular practice comes impoevement.

Practicing Satya on the Mat:

Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Begin by standing tall with feet rooted into the earth. As you ground down through your feet, align your body with integrity, find balance and stability. Tadasana invites us to embody truthfulness by acknowledging the present moment without resistance.

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): In this empowering pose, extend your arms out parallel to the ground, gazing over the front fingertips. As you sink into the lunge, cultivate a sense of openness and authenticity. Warrior II encourages us to stand firm in our truth, facing challenges with courage and grace.

Tree Pose (Vrikshasana): Root down through one foot as you place the sole of the opposite foot on the inner thigh or calf, finding balance and stability. Extend your arms overhead, reaching towards the sky. In Tree Pose, we embody Satya by finding stillness amidst movement, honoring the fluctuations of the mind with unwavering presence.

Integrating Satya off the Mat:

The practice of Satya extends far beyond the yoga mat. By embracing truthfulness in our interactions, relationships, and decision-making processes, we cultivate authenticity and deepen our connection to ourselves and others.

Here are some ways to integrate Satya into daily life:

  • Honest Communication: Speak your truth with compassion and sincerity, fostering open and authentic communication in your relationships. Speak from a place of peace, your words should not harm-remember Ahimsa (non-harming) the root of all 5 Yamas.

  • Integrity in Actions: Align your actions with your values and intentions, embodying integrity and authenticity in all that you do.

  • Self-Reflection: Set aside time for self-reflection and introspection, cultivating awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and motivations.

In a world often fraught with distractions, the practice of Satya offers a beacon of light, guiding us towards authenticity, integrity, and inner harmony. By embracing truthfulness on and off the yoga mat, we embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth, aligning with our deepest truths and embodying the essence of yoga in its purest form.

Om Shanti,

Lisa Ostler


Student of Ayurveda

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